Each Basket is made per order and unique. Each basket includes an array of toys and stuffed animals based on the animal/theme chosen. Size of basket and amount of toys varies based on the price listed, the more you spend the more product you will receive. Chocolate/candy will possibly be included so if allergies are a concern please contact us beforehand. If you are local and would like the option to pick up the basket in person instead of being shipped, please email us at thewildparkinfo@gmail.com or contact us on Facebook to receive a discount code (otherwise, they will be mailed out). This code will be applied at checkout to nullify shipping cost. If you would like to request a certain animal (ex. lion) please email us with the request within 2 hours of placing the order and we will do our best to fulfill it! We are offering both an adult version and a child version so make sure you choose which one you are interested in! 60 dollar baskets can also include a painting from the chosen animal.